Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pie Chart

Pie Chart - A special chart that uses "pie slices" to show relative sizes of data.

Imagine you just did a survey of your friends to find which kind of movie they liked best.
Here are the results:     Favorite Type of movie:  Comedy-4, Action-5, Romance-6, Drama-1,
It is a really good way to show relative sizes: it is easy to see which movie types are most liked, and which are least liked, at a glance.
First, put your data into a table (like above), then add up all the values to get a total:
4+5+6+1+4= 20
Next, divide each value by the total and multiply by 100 to get a percent:
 4/20=20%  5/20=25%   6/20=30%   1/20=5%  4/20=20%   TOTAL 100%
Now you are ready to start drawing!
Draw a circle.  Then use your protractor to measure the degrees of each sector.Color with different colors.
Pie Chart Example

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